Hosting High School Tournaments at Your Sports Complex
There are quite a few steps that come with the territory of hosting a high school athletic tournament at your sports complex. You need to secure funding, prepare your facility, and coordinate the events and schedule. If you have no experience hosting a high school tournament and are looking for tips to prepare your sports complex, look no further. Sports Facility Management has helped dozens of sports complexes and recreation centers manage their facilities during large events. Today, SFM will provide a few tips and steps to help you put together a high school sports tournament at your sports complex.
Plan a Schedule
One of the most important aspects of running a large tournament or event is to plan everything in advance. You don’t have to stick to the schedule exactly, but having a master schedule will ensure that chaos does not reign. Leave time between games as some will inevitably run long. Plan for transportation time and possible delays that may occur and provide the teams some flexibility for any inevitable issues.
Safety is Priority
As your tournament is a sporting event, injuries are inevitable. Preparing your staff for injuries is a necessity. You will need medical professionals present with all the equipment they may need to treat injuries. In addition, you will need liability insurance for your sports complex. Contact your insurance provider to find the exact steps necessary to insure your tournament.
Lastly, depending on the size of your tournament your facility may need to provide professional security. You are going to need help overseeing the event and security staff can help to ensure your tournament does not get out of hand.
Tournament attendees are going to expect concessions at your event. If your sports complex does not usually provide concessions it may be a good idea to contract a provider or vendor in exchange for sponsorship. If your sports complex provides concessions be mindful of allergy concerns. Offering food and drink options are a great way to keep the crowd happy while raising additional money for your sports complex.
Want to Improve Your Sports Complex?
Contact Sports Facility Management for expert sports complex management. SFM has been providing management solutions for sports, recreation, and event centers across the country. Our sports venue management service has produced industry-leading results for our clients. If you are interested in learning more about what SFM can do for your business, contact us today at 727-877-1791.