Improving communities through sport


Private Developers

As communities throughout the United States continue to grow, new opportunities surface as well.

For private developers, the opportunity to build a sports tourism or recreation venue is tantalizing. While these facilities provide opportunities for financial gain (sports tourism is a $19.2 billion industry and growing), there are opportunities to improve a community’s quality of life as well. Sports and recreation venues increase access to play for children and adults, which has been proven to have a positive impact on community health. Sports tourism can enhance the financial outcomes of a community by creating jobs, generating revenue from events, and enhancing its reputation

To capitalize on the financial and social opportunities that are presented by sports and recreation venues requires a team with a wealth of experience in all facets of facility development and a track record of developing successful complexes nationwide. Mixed-use developers, professional and retired athletes, entrepreneurs, medical and rehabilitative-sports organizations, league and sport club owners, and other private sector developers rely on the Sports Facilities Companies to turn concepts into properly designed and fully funded sports facilities and operations. We support private developers through each step of the venue development process with a wide range of services including feasibility analysis, financial forecasting, funding services, venue planning, owner’s representation, marketing and branding, pre-opening services, and full-time facility management. Our expertise in each of these areas uniquely positions us to help private developers reach both financial and socially-driven goals for their sports and recreation project.

How We Help


Sports Facilities Advisory has the industry’s best and most exhaustive library of market data on communities and facilities throughout the country. This allows us to reverse-engineer successful facilities to determine the optimal environment for projects and the steps necessary to reach their goals. Deliverables during this phase of the project may include a market opportunity report, feasibility study, and/or a ProForma.


Because of the wealth of experience and data that we bring to the planning process via our institutional-grade financial forecasts and feasibility studies, we’ve become a trusted resource for lending institutions investing in sports facility projects. Our financial support services team works to identify and establish strategic partnerships that provide value and reduce risk for all stakeholders. We will also represent your project to funding sources. Deliverables during this phase of the project may include the Investor Information Packet and funding presentations


We begin the development process with a planning summit meeting. Here we develop a date-driven timeline of action steps and projects. These projects can include site preparation, zoning/permitting and construction, venue planning, procurement, brand development, pre-opening marketing, pre-opening staffing, staff training, program development, registration software, and bookkeeping systems. We also establish banking, communications, operational, safety and risk management, and other critical systems.


There’s a point where your project transitions to a functional business that needs to drive revenue. The Sports Facilities Management team provides systems and services including both consulting and full-time day-to-day management. Tasks may include, daily operations, business development, marketing, staffing, human resources, and financial tracking.

Featured Projects

Crete, Il

SFA conducted Funding Support Services for the client, which included identifying strategic public, private, and community partners, building a project presentation for potential funding sources (bound copies of financial forecasts, market research documents, and investor/lender information packets), and representing the project in formal meetings.

Featured Team Leader


Eric Sullivan is an experienced facility operator, development advisor, and expert resource for the planning and funding of new, private-sector projects. Through the last decade, Eric has worked with hundreds of clients to create financeable, sustainable facility plans and operating budgets. Through his work, Eric has become a trusted advisor to many facility owners on projects including the Hill Country Indoor Sports (Bee Cave, TX), Future Legends Sports (Windsor, CO) and Apex Sports & Events (Hillsborough, NJ). Eric is a sought-after resource in the facility development space and sits on the Board of Directors for the US Indoor Association. To learn more about Eric and the other members of our outstanding team, visit our team page.

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