Improving communities through sport


Financial Forecasting (Pro Forma)

Planning Services For New Facilities

When you want a clear picture of financial and economic impact performance, choose SFC's highly detailed pro forma.

Eliminate the guesswork of your sports facility or recreation center performance. With SFC’s 5-year financial forecast (pro forma), you’ll have third-party credibility for funding, community support, and operating team consensus. 

Real-time data backed by real-world operations.
What's included? Market analysis, program planning, staffing, start-up costs, and more.
More than sports, we help you think wholistically about your facility choices.
20+ Years of Planning & Development Experience at Your Fingertips.

SFC’s institutional-grade Pro Forma provides lending institutions, investors, and brokers with an unsurpassed perspective of your project’s potential for success. This is a fundamental component of receiving funding for your sports or recreation project and an integral part of the project funding. SFC’s Pro Formas are informed by our real-world operations and our experience in more than 2,000 communities.

SFC’s Pro Formas include  5-year cash flow forecast and 20-year financial outlook, projections related to your business model, a realistic and/or recommended debt-to-equity mix and debt service, a right-sized program’s space requirements, an estimate of construction and start-up costs, land requirements, direct and variable costs, projected revenues by project or product, facility and operating expenses, utilization projections, and the management or staffing model. 

The development of this highly detailed document begins with a Business Development Planning Sessions (BDPS), a highly collaborative process led by your dedicated project Development Advisor. During this session, you and/or your project team will review and clarify the vision and goals, establish key performance metrics, and identify potential opportunities and challenges for the project. Over the course of Pro Forma development, clients have the opportunity to review ‘draft’ level versions and ask questions or provide further direction before finalizing and preparing for funding presentations.

Service Highlights

Study Duration:
10-12 Weeks

Best Suited For:
Projects in Planning & Early Stage Development 

Led By SFA Development Advisors:

Speak with our Development Advisors to learn more.

Southampton, NY

Based on a significant lack of access to indoor pools and a clear need to improve water safety in this East-End Long Island community, SFA has been supporting this non-profit endeavor since 2017. Throughout the long-standing engagement, SFA has developed multiple rounds of financial forecasts, public presentations, marketing materials, and fundraising strategies.

Why SFC?

SFC has worked with thousands of communities throughout the country, giving us unparalleled access to pricing, programming, and operational performance data for a myriad of facilities. Data from successful venues allows us to reverse engineer every detail to understand how they operate. Armed with this information, clients can make informed decisions about project feasibility, financing, and the risks associated with a new sport or recreation facility. 


$10 billion in planned projects


Relied on by financial institutions


Over 2,000 communities served

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