Hosting Community Movie Nights at Your Recreation Center
One excellent way to bring your community together is by hosting a movie night at your recreation center. Not only can you share some classic flicks with a whole range of people, but you may be able to attract new and different people to your recreation center than would show up for a standard fitness-related event. Today, Sports Facility Management will discuss some steps you will need to take to host a community movie night at your community center.
Plan Your Community Movie Night
- Reserve a Date – It is important to choose early when you want to host your event. You want to give you community center at least two months to prepare for an event like this. Decide if you want a weeknight or weekend date and check to see if there are other local events that may conflict with your movie night.
- Secure the Equipment – Outdoor cinema equipment can be expensive to purchase on your own. Some of the required equipment includes a large screen and a quality projector so all of your visitors can see the movie. You might also consider quality audio equipment that can project to your entire space, plenty of seating for your visitors, and more. Some community centers prefer instead to hire an outdoor cinema service to actually provide and set-up the equipment. This can be a great way to set up your movie night if you do not plan on hosting one regularly. If you want this to become a regularly scheduled event, investing in your own equipment will likely be worth the cost in the long run.
- Obtain Required Licenses – Depending on the movie you would like to host and the location of your community center, you may need to obtain licenses to meet municipal regulations.
- Market Aggressively – Don’t go to the trouble of setting this program up if you don’t plan on ensuring that people are going to attend. An aggressive marketing campaign is a great way to ensure that people find out about your movie night and show up. You can take to the internet and market on your community center social media pages.
- Keep Your Momentum – Once you have successfully held the screening, make sure you announce your next movie night or community center event. If you want to build the size of your events, it is important to keep “momentum” by offering regular events at your community center.
Contact Sports Facility Management for More Community Center Tips
If you are looking for management assistance from a company that has successfully assisted dozens of sports-related businesses, contact SFM today. Our team has the knowledge and experience to bring your center success, and we look forward to working with you.