Featured Team Leader
Evan Eleff has created the industry’s most reliable financial forecasting and programmatic data for planning and funding recreation, wellness, fitness, and sports projects as well as community wide recreation master plans. Since joining SFA|SFM in 2012, Evan has led the SFA team in producing market studies, facility plans, financial forecasts, economic impact analyses, feasibility studies, and strategic funding initiatives for more than 1,500 communities around the world and a portfolio of more than $8 billion of planned assets. In 2019, he partnered with the Florida Recreation and Park Association to launch the first ever Park Impact Calculator – the culmination of a year-long, state-wide study that included members of the FRPA, CDC, and economic advisors. Evan is continuing this groundbreaking work in California and Kansas in 2020. To learn more about Evan and the other members of our outstanding team, visit our team page.