New and Upcoming Fitness Technology for Your Recreation Center
Gym equipment and fitness technology are both part of a huge tech industry that is constantly moving forward at a rapid pace. Many of these developments are leading to increasing numbers of people returning to the gym, now equipped with their own personal fitness tracking devices.
At the Sports Facilities Advisory, we believe it’s essential to understand and follow the trends in fitness tech, whether it relates to personal gadgets for measuring fitness and progress, or general technology for application within your recreation center.
Detailed Digital Weighing Scales
Typical, off-the-shelf weighing scales usually only tell the user so much. But with recreation center and gym users, more informed, personal knowledge about weight is more important than ever. Tech companies who have led the way in personal fitness tracking have taken their innovations and are applying them to more traditional methods, like scales.
The FitBit Aria is one example of these new, more informative scales. It offers BMI tracking and weight for up to eight users, and syncs this information with personal tracking devices so weight watchers can keep a closer eye on their progress. The FitBit Aria or similar scales may well be an investment if your recreation center provides classes or programs specifically geared towards weight loss.
Tracking Tricks
More often than not, fitness and weight loss tracking gadgets are used by people undertaking more typical forms of exercise. But now there is an emerging market for the more adventurous athletes who are looking for ways to track and record their own personal development.
Waterproof and shockproof trackers like the Trace – which can be attached to walls and surfaces – offer skaters, surfers, cyclists and other the opportunity to record tricks, speeds and other stats that usually apply to more unique or specific sports. If your recreation center caters to extreme sports, consider investing in durable trackers like these to add something unique for your users.
Virtual Reality Relay
As for gym equipment, if your facility is top-of-the-line and you have the budget to burn, companies are now looking to apply some of the ideas behind the emerging virtual reality market to treadmills. iFit’s NordicTrack Escape is one of the first of its kind: a treadmill equipped with a 60-inch, 4K curved screen that can be set either horizontally or vertically. Being able to pick your own scenery, or even use online maps to run blocks in areas you already know, creates a unique immersive experience. This kind of treadmill comes with a steep price at the moment, but it would make your recreation center truly state-of-the-art.
Is Your Recreation Center a Social Hub?
Making the most of new developments in technology at your recreation center is key to its long-term success. While many people assume that new technology has the tendency to keep people at home, new social apps geared towards fitness offer fun and creative ways for people to be active together.
Not only does it improve the performance of the people and the equipment they use, shared reward systems (such as with the BMI-tracking weighing scales) foster social and community spirit, providing group encouragement and teamwork. This is an atmosphere that your users will always want to come back to.
If you have plans or ideas on using the latest tech to put your recreation center one step ahead of the rest, contact the Sports Facilities Advisory today for guidance.