Newest Social Media Trends for Sports Tourism
In today’s age of social media, the simple fact is you have to be involved in one or more social networks to be relevant. This is especially the case with sports tourism. Visitors may get their first impression of your facility and team through your social media campaign. You want this impression to be a good one. Keeping this in mind, we’ll be looking into some of the biggest trends in sports social media marketing and sports tourism.
Reward Fans for Engagement
One of the best ways to connect fans to the team and the stadium is to offer incentives for getting involved. Tell people to tweet a picture with a hashtag and they could see their picture on the jumbotron. Or tweet something to see it scroll across the screen at halftime. These are just a few ways to get fans to start engaging with your social media platforms. If your topic trends, nearby users of the social media service may even get in on the fun.
Utilize Twitter and Snapchat
Twitter and Snapchat are two of the best services for directly engaging fans in the stadium. There are several reasons why this is the case. Twitter’s feed is constantly updating with relevant, live information. This sense of constantly updating news and information means you’ll be directly interacting with fans the entire time they’re engaged. Snapchat is also extremely popular with youths. Snapchat allows for stories of images and videos. Have people in the stadium send in Snaps and post them to the team’s story so they can see their contributions.
So why is this good for sports tourism? Simply, the visitors can get involved too. It creates a connection to the game that wasn’t available before the advent of social media. It makes it more memorable, meaning you have a better chance of making an impression on your sports tourism market.
A Deep Connection to the Action
So we know that social media created a connection, but you can take this to next level by helping fans get a more visceral experience while in the stadium. Live tweet highlights of recent plays from dynamic angles so they can get a better view of the action in real-time. Again, this is a great way to give visitors and fans a deeper sense of involvement
Let Sports Facilities Management Consult You on Sports Tourism
Sports Facilities Management is a forward-thinking and innovative leader in the sports consulting industry. One of our specialties is sports tourism. When you work with us, we can help you develop a comprehensive, effective sports tourism plan and implement it. Contact us today for more information or view the Sports Facilities Management website.