SFA provides critical facility planning and funding documents and support services to move projects from concept through financing. Although the development funding and financing of a sports complex or recreation center is often a complicated endeavor because there are real estate, operations, and ownership issues that need to be addressed. Today’s lending climate and investment communities seek safe and credible projects led by proven teams, financial projections based on current day operations, and a combination of credit-worthy tenants, use agreements, and pre-opening use agreements. Where feasible, public contribution in the form of property tax abatement, infrastructure, or cash contribution is also a powerful tool during the financing phase. Sports Facilities Advisory is experienced in establishing public private partnerships and in securing the necessary components for successful development funding and financing. Our development funding presentation services include the development of the documents and analysis needed for funding new sports facilities projects and expansions, as well as the presence of an experienced SFA Advisor to represent your project to funding sources. With SFA on your team, your project can be presented as another successful project that will employ proven sports facility management, marketing, financial tracking, and sponsorship sales approaches. This access to SFA and SFM’s experience reduces risks for investors and provides our clients with peace of mind. SFA is a valuable resource for serious and committed entrepreneurs and institutions attempting to evaluate investment/risk/lending for these types of projects. We are engaged to produce development funding documents, provide advice and perspective, and to support clients. While we occasionally choose to invest in projects, more than 98% of our relationships with clients are paid via fee schedule.