How To Best Utilize Your Land When Expanding Your Community Center
For people running a community center, it can be easy to lose track of a long-term plan during the day-to-day. However, as your town and the reach of your facility grows, you might find yourself needing to expand or find ways to better facilitate the programs that you currently offer.
If you need to expand but don’t want to add on to your building, there is an alternative if you have a little bit of land to spare on the property. In today’s post, Sports Facility Advisory will take a look at how you can best utilize your land to expand your community center.
What Type Of Expansion is Needed?
In some cases, it simply isn’t always possible to expand outward. The good news is that you will know for sure if you need to add on. It will be abundantly clear that your current space is not providing for the needs of your community. If you don’t have a space problem, then you likely have a facilities problem which, again, will be evident. For instance, if your community wants a basketball league and you don’t have a basketball court, you are going to have to add on.
However, building an extension to your facility is also not always the right solution. Before you begin to add on or make any decisions about what the expansion will look like, it’s important to understand what the end goal is.
How Can We Best Utilize Our Space?
Understanding what type of expansion your community center needs plays a big role in your ability to best utilize your given space. Many community centers don’t need massive renovations or upgrades as much as they need to adapt to the needs of their community. One of the best ways to do this is to utilize the space you already have, most notably the land you have outdoors.
Adding on playground equipment, developing playing fields, and even just having spaces for special events can allow you much more flexibility in your programming and scheduling than you would think. If you have a good chunk of land that isn’t being used, consider trying to utilize it before adding on to it.
Contact SFA For Community Center Development
If you are developing a community center or looking to expand an already existing community center, you will want to get in contact with SFA. We can help find you the best solution possible for your community. Contact us today at (727) 483-7910 or get in touch with us online for more details.