Adding a Go-kart Track to Your Sports Complex
A successful sports complex incorporates different sports and activities into one easily accessible location. Most popular youth team sports draw crowds to games. Mothers and fathers want to see their children play, and sometimes they need to bring their other kids along. If your sports complex hosts tournaments, then large groups of youths will have downtime between games. Incorporating a go-kart track into your sports complex design gives players something to do between games and excites bored children who don’t want to watch their siblings play.
Where to Start
In any business venture, you want to identify your key demographic and cater to them. When adding a go-kart track to your sports complex, your demographic is already laid out in front of you: families. Families already pass in and out of your doors and over your fields each weekend. With a little planning and the right go-kart track, you can entice them to race during, between, or after games.
Focusing on Families
If their children already play organized sports, chances are these families have a competitive streak in them. You want your go-kart track to allow them to get competitive while reassuring them the track and karts are safe. Consider a race track with a few tight corners and a moderate level of difficulty but make sure the go-karts have governors set to lower speeds. Many go-karts come fully electric these days, and these make a great choice for families. Young parents today tend to worry more about emissions and greener experiences. Electric go-karts will make them feel at ease and give them confidence in your dedication to safety.
Regulations and Safety
Regulations on go-karts differ from state to state, and you need to talk to the county business license department to learn what regulations you must meet. Aside from meeting state stipulations, you should consider the grip and slope of the track. Go-kart tracks need concrete specifically designed for them, and not all construction companies can supply this. Think about how many karts you want on the track at one time and how many can fit through each turn. Proper consideration of these details will reduce the likelihood of accidents and injury.
Improve Your Sports Complex with Sports Facilities Advisory
Sports Facilities Advisory completes feasibility studies for your sports complex. We also help you realize and incorporate all the precise pieces of your sports complex design. We are a trusted name in facility planning and love helping you help your community. Contact Sports Facilities Advisory today to reimagine your sports complex.