Improving communities through sport

Multi-Purpose Center: What to Offer That Works Together?

Multi-purpose center equipment advice.

Multi-Purpose Center and What You Can Offer Patrons That Works Together

If you are working with Sports Facilities Advisory to plan the construction of a new multi-purpose center, you may be mulling over ideas for service offerings based on the wants and needs of your community.
While every community will have its own needs and may respond better to particular service offerings over others, we can help you determine the qualities of an excellent multi-purpose center and provide some ideas for community services that will work well together. But first and foremost let’s answer an important question: what should a high-quality multi-purpose center look like?

What Makes a High-Quality Multi-Purpose Center?

Multi-purpose centers are unique in that they offer a variety of services and activities at a single location. High-quality multi-purpose centers should meet the unique needs of the entire community, regardless of how varied they are. Facility operators can accomplish this by providing a variety of different types of programs for different age and interest groups.
The physical structure of the multi-purpose center should be designed in a way that best serves the needs of the community, while also keeping future infrastructure in mind. For example, a multi-purpose center that offers a childcare center today may find that in the future, a space for the elderly is much more applicable and needed. Ideally, that space could be converted from a childcare area to a space for the elderly to accommodate the community’s pressing need.

Possible Offerings

As we briefly stated earlier, every community will have its own unique needs, but here are a few possible service offerings that would pair well together in any multi-purpose center.

  • Classroom space – These types of spaces could easily be used to host cooking classes, group events, summer camp sessions, and more.
  • Recreational sports spaces – A gymnasium is a great addition to any multi-purpose center, as it could serve as a space for indoor craft shows, group events, or summer basketball sessions.
  • Cafe – Members and guests will feel more comfortable if you provide them with a place to grab a bite to eat or a cup of coffee. They may also be encouraged to stay longer and utilize more of the services at your multi-purpose center.
  • Library – Every community center would benefit from the addition of a library, especially one that caters to visitors who are both young and old.
  • Outdoor pool and/or playground – Kids and parents will love an outdoor pool or playground where they can stay active and safe during those long summer days.


Contact SFA

If you’d like more suggestions for possible offerings for your multi-purpose center or you’d like to work with a professional team of facility planners, the experts at Sports Facilities Advisory may be able to help you. Contact us today to learn more about our facility planning services.

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