How Do You Integrate Feedback Into Indoor Sports Facilities?
In previous blog entries, Sports Facilities Management has discussed why acknowledging the feedback of your users is important, whatever kind of indoor sports facilities or recreation center amenities you offer. Beyond simply engaging with your users, however, it is also important to really consider the best, most effective feedback about your indoor sports facilities or sports complex and whether the suggestions they make for improvement are a worthy investment.
Often, even customers and users giving you five-star reviews will have suggestions for improvement. Sports Facilities Management discusses how to delve deeper into what your user base from your indoor sports facilities, how to determine which changes are worth pursuing, and how to show appreciation for the suggestions.
Have a Reliable Source of Feedback
Firstly, it is important to establish a reliable and consistent platform for feedback. The internet and social media are a good start, whether it is your own social media presence or through customer reviews on various online listings.
It is important to remember, however, that the internet can alter the way in which people engage with each other, and reviews may be more or less accurate — exaggerating negatives or over-stressing positives — behind the digital veil. In addition to careful use of online feedback, you should regularly engage with your users in different ways, such as through simple, quick surveys about your indoor sports facilities and talking to them face-to-face.
It is also important to think about how and way to get this feedback. It should be regular enough to be up to date, but seldom enough that your users do not get sick of being asked their opinion.
Be Realistic About What You Can Achieve
Once you have collected feedback, you may find that there is a particular amenity or activity that people in your service area want they you currently do not provide. At this point, you should be careful to be realistic about what you can achieve.
Before you commit to adding new activities or areas to your sports facility, look at how much it will cost and how long it will take. Will you recoup the cost with the amount of demand there is? Is the demand based on a possible passing trend? Will it still be popular by the time construction is complete? Research whatever it might be that your customers are asking for thoroughly before you make a final assessment.
Avoid Raising Expectations Before You Commit to a Project
Following on from being realistic about what you can achieve, you should also be careful not to raise the expectations of your users before you are sure you can provide what you have promised. Making announcements of new amenities only to not follow through, or not give the users what you have groomed them to expect, is going to hurt your established reputation. You might well also set a precedent for future promises not to be taken seriously.
Let Your Users Know Which Features You Will Add
Once you have assessed whether adding a particular feature is viable, however, you should let your users know that you will be providing it. This can be especially effective for boosting your business if you have discovered the demand through surveying people who regularly use your sports complex or recreation center.
You can also make use of public engagement through both physical and social media to build towards the opening of your new attraction.
Always Show Your Appreciation
As always, showing your appreciation to your users and customers is a big part of engaging with them. Let your users know that you are grateful for their feedback – whether or not you eventually act on it. If you do, let them know that the addition to your sports complex or recreation center is thanks to them letting you know.
Indoor Sports Facilities and Always Improving
Feedback and adapting to the needs of your users is vital to the success of the best indoor sports facilities. While the advice in this blog seems simple, there are many more considerations and unexpected obstacles than can be covered in a single entry. For in-depth advice, contact Sports Facilities Management for experienced and detailed facility management guidance.