If you’re considering targeting your recreation center to a popular group of people, let us connect you with seniors.
One of the key objectives in sports facility management is improving the health and economic vitality of a community. The population of seniors in many communities is booming. Baby boomers are reaching retirement age, making this target audience a prospective windfall for the fitness industry. Baby boomers are more health conscious and active than any previous generation, and they want to stay that way. Boomers are aware of research showing that exercise is not only beneficial for the body but for the brain as well.
Senior recreation centers are sprouting up across the country; they specialize in sports, health, and wellness programs. In order to develop senior sports programming, sports facility management experts need to understand the exercise and sports needs of seniors. They need to be aware of what physical activities interest seniors and what their physical limits are. Obviously, recreation center programs will differ greatly for K-6 school-age children than for seniors in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Market research and subsequent feasibility studies will help guide you in designing and offering programs at your recreation center that will engage and assist seniors in staying fit and healthy.
Recreation Center Programming Ideas
Examples of successful senior sports programming developed include swimming, walking, golf, yoga, Pilates, pickleball, table tennis, aqua Zumba, and basketball. A subset of yoga designed especially for older adults is called YogaStretch. Again, market research will guide you to specific programming requests for the seniors in your area.
Another area of programming consideration is creating intergenerational activities. Bringing seniors and young people together can be very educational and rewarding.
Strategies for Connecting Your Recreation Center and Seniors
Partnering with local senior centers can help you build your senior clientele. If the centers can see that you want the same outcomes in terms of health and activity of their members, they will be more likely to buy in to your services. Perhaps, the centers can provide routine transportation to your sports complex. Perhaps, you can offer your recreation center facilities to a group of seniors at a certain time, so they are not competing with younger folks for access.
Sports Facility Advisory and Your Recreation Center Needs
We are the world’s leading resource for new and existing sports complexes and recreation centers. We can help you with you with your feasibility study, so you can have custom-design programming to meet your member’s needs. Call us today at (727) 474-3845, or visit our website to get started on making your sport facilities successful.