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How to Encourage Regular Member Attendance at Your Recreation Center


Sports Facilities Advisory has some tips on recreation center member attendance.

You have had a successful marketing campaign and have established a good membership at your recreation center or sports complex. Now your challenge is at least keeping your membership steady, if not growing in numbers.
We all know how common it is for people to join a gym and attend with gusto, only to have them lose interest or motivation as time goes on. As a sports facility management organization, there are strategies that you can implement to keep your members motivated and attending your recreation center regularly.


No one wants to work out with shoddy equipment. Make sure your machines and accessories are top notch, clean, and safe. Members will be frustrated if machines are regularly down for maintenance.

Fitness Trends

Do your research, and keep up on fitness trends. You may want to consult with a commercial fitness sales representative to find out what new equipment is available or is in the works.

Involve Your Membership

Make sure you provide a format for your members’ suggestions, questions, and concerns. Doing so will go a long way in making them feel valued.

Use of Incentives

Be generous with passes and trial memberships for family and friends of your members. Offer free personal training sessions to ratchet up motivation. Hold fitness contests for those competitive members who love to go head to head with someone else. These are all good strategies for expanding your membership

Social Media

Be sure to utilize social media. Social media platforms are keeping people engaged in their personal interests. Not only can you post upcoming events, announcements, and promotions, but your members can also contribute to the conversation online. This makes them more likely to feel involved and a part of your organization.

Show That You Care

Show a personal interest in the health and well-being of your clientele. Perhaps, you can partner with a local health-oriented business that can educate your members in other areas of health and wellness.
By utilizing some or all of the above strategies, you are sure to have a more motivated and loyal member base. Satisfied members are more likely to recommend your recreation center to their friends and family.

Sports Facilities Advisory and Your Recreation Center Membership Needs

If you have any questions about how to promote regular member attendance, please call Sports Facilities Advisory at (727) 474-3845 or visit our website today.

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