Why Flow is Important to Sports Complex Design
Years ago, the considerations for sports complex design were much simpler. You had the facilities you’d offer and that was it. Think about the YMCA. They had pools, a fitness center, and gyms for basketball and other sports. They didn’t need much else. Today, sports complex design has reached new heights. Extremely innovative facilities dominate the sports facility landscape, and you have to carefully consider your design in order to remain competitive. One design consideration to keep in mind is the flow of your facility. What do we mean by that? That’s what we’ll be discussing today in the Sports Facilities Advisory blog.
What Do We Mean by Flow?
Your sports complex design needs to have a natural feel to the floorplan. In other words, it needs to flow organically from one space to the next. When design makes sense, it makes it easy for members to find what they’re looking for. For instance, when people come in the entrance, the first thing they see wouldn’t be the entrance to the locker rooms. It would be the front desk, welcoming them to the facility and helping them check in. After going through the entrance, they would happen upon the locker room, to change and put their things in a locker. The locker room would be right next to the fitness area, and also connected to the pool area, so members leaving the pool can change, dry off, and shower. This all seems like common sense, but it’s easy to overlook the small details of sports complex design if you don’t have experience.
What Else Does This Entail?
The flow of your facility should take into consideration more than just where things are located, it also means incorporating ease of movement in your sports complex design. It should be easy for members to get to different parts of the facility. This is why many sports complexes have been opting for a more open design. It gives the facility a more modern feel, while also letting the customers see where everything is, and easily see how to get there. Good sports complex design shouldn’t feel forced. More people will notice bad design than those who will notice good design.
Sports Complex Design with Sports Facilities Advisory
If you’re looking to build a sports facility, trust the experts to help you. Sports Facilities Advisory will help you get your plans off the ground with services that include feasibility studies, facility planning, sports complex design, development funding, and much more. For more information and to see how we can help you, contact us today.