The SFA Pro Forma is an Institutional Grade Financial Forecast that includes the Program Plan, Land Requirements, Preliminary Construction and Start-up Cost Estimate, a detailed 5-year financial forecast, and additional elements such as economic impact study, health implications report, and others that are selected and developed based on the project financing strategy.
Pro Forma and budgets prepared for municipalities or national governments are grounded-in-reality. Led by our extraordinary team of Sports Planning Advisors and tapping into SFA’s incomparable access to pricing/programming/current day operational performance of other facilities/ these deliverables allow public officials to make informed decisions about project feasibility, financing, and the risks/rewards associated with new sport and recreation facility developments. In every case, one key difference between SFA and others is that we also look at project financing options, innovating program planning to meet your goals, and we consider the long term operational realities for new facilities so that public officials and citizens are empowered by SFA deliverables.
Pro Formas tailored to private clients focus on optimizing facility operations, maximizing return on investment, and implementing the most effective cost-containment strategies to deliver a reasonable rate of return for investors. These document deliverables are also developed to impress funding sources with quality-research, sound strategy, powerful strategic alliances, and use forecasts that are backed up by letters of intent or other commitments that reduce risk for funding sources. We call this approach – Planning for Finance and it leads to great outcomes for our clients.
SFA’s conservative approach results in the most reliable, credible financial forecast in the youth and amateur sports industry. The level of detail provided in the Pro Forma will enable clients to enter the sports business with confidence and a source of analysis relied upon by some of the most prestigious financial institutions in the world. Due to the granular level of detail and accuracy of the projections, Pro Formas produced by SFA can be easily translated into a facility’s first-year operating budget.