How To Build The Brand Of Your Sports Complex
For a sports complex, it is very important to develop the brand of your facility. A sports complex is different from a community or recreation center because there is more of a focus on competition than participation. With this being true, athletes and coaches are looking for facilities that are higher quality and that provide more visibility, especially for athletes in the recruiting process. Facility managers want their complex to be attractive to coaches and players. There are three things you can do to help make this happen:
- Create a sports complex worthy of the brand
- Invest in the highest quality competition
- Invest in a marketing strategy
In today’s SFM blog post, we will explore these three things and how they will help your brand.
Create A Complex That Lives Up To The Brand
Branding is an important factor in developing any sports facility, but it doesn’t do any good if the complex itself doesn’t live up to the brand. A major chunk of your facility branding comes with the facility you build. If you want a facility that draws in top teams and athletes, you will need to invest in the best equipment, amenities, and brands.
Brands, specifically, play a big role in your own branding. Getting top brands involved in endorsing and sponsoring your facility and the tournaments you host is huge, but that will only happen if you invest in your facility.
Invest In High-Quality Competition
Getting brands to endorse your facility and attracting high-level athletes is a bit of a catch-22. As you get endorsements, the athletes will follow. But for the brands themselves, they are looking for facilities that host the top athletes. It’s a chicken or the egg situation. This means that putting in the legwork to get high-quality competition to your facility is key. This comes back to the sports complex itself — if you have the best facilities and amenities, athletes are going to be drawn in.
Another major factor in getting the best competition to your facility is getting local talent to your complex. If you aren’t able to get local athletes to your facility, you’re going to have a hard time recruiting others.
Develop A Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
Developing your brand starts with a lot of legwork, just like with any business or idea. However, once you see some real progress, the marketing strategy is even more important. Your strategy should be developed as you do the legwork, but having a great logo and great promotion will help take your sports complex to the next level and give it the prestige coaches and athletes look for.
Contact SFM For Sports Complex Branding Help
Developing a sports complex brand that gets the best athletes into your facility is a long, drawn-out process. If you are serious about the process, contact SFM today to speak with a professional.